LOVE is the unifying energy and our highest expression.    

As we integrate our Spiritual consciousness into all aspects of our daily life, we see the universality of this truth.  The journey to our Hearts is a journey to LOVE.  It is a journey to personal fulfillment.  It is a journey to Unity and Harmony with ALL.

The Journey.....

Along this journey we encounter the mountains, crags and valleys, soothing rivers, treacherous waters, parched deserts, frozen waste, and lush woods of bounty.  How we embrace these encounters determines the joy or chaos of our journey.  At any moment we can shift that journey.  It requires the same determination and dedication to create fear as it does to create Joy.  The choice is ours.  Learning how to make the choice is a key part of our journey.

Like any journey, having a map, proper equipment and appropriate tools make it easier.  A Spiritual journey is no different.  Awareness of the terrain, the energy dynamics of the universal laws, gives perspective and understanding to the challenges encountered.  We carry our backpack of tools for the daily challenges. Our vision supplies inspiration.  Dedication, commitment, and desire to create joy and fulfillment in our lives are what we bring to the journey.

As we view the larger picture of the evolution of humanity, we must acknowledge that real change begins within each individual.  Then we can expand outward to affect others.  When shared vision and purpose come together, harmonious change can occur.

Many have come to assist humanity and our planet to experience fulfillment and joy ~  to be Heaven on Earth.  This journey back to Source, to our Divinity, begins in the Heart of each.  

Basic Tools & Meditation

This section of our site is dedicated to sharing tools and techniques that will help you prepare for the journey ahead.  They will assist you in centering yourself, in releasing stress and negativity, in preparing yourself for meditation, and in integrating your truth.

Meditation takes many forms.  It is an unique experience for each.  There is no right or wrong.  Mediation can be achieved through movement, play, creative expression, journaling, music...basically anything that brings you joy.  Ultimately, it involves  finding that quiet place within where you can heal, nurture, and find your truth to questions and challenges you may be experiencing. 

There a simple tools to assist you in this process.  Visit the links below.  They are the basics for creating a grounded meditation space as well as providing techniques you can apply to your daily life.

Universal Wisdom honors all Spiritual belief systems and cultures; it acknowledges the divinity of ALL. It is offered as a journey to continuous comprehension, to integration, to Unity, to completion, to Joy and to the LOVE that we are.

Spiritual Tools & Meditation
ALL want to experience LOVE.... 

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Voices of the Heart 2001-2020