Grounding anchors your spirit to your human consciousness and physical body.

Grounding is your unique connection to Source through your Heart Center.

Grounding enhances your Heart connection and your intuitive abilities.

Grounding is the conscious act of connecting yourself to Source through your heart center and center of the planet. It enhances your connection to your highest essence. It is an action and a state of being. Grounding is a spiritual connection.

When you are not grounded, you may feel like you are bouncing around, unfocussed, confused, and the effect of negative energies around you.  You might notice you misplace things, drop things, stub your tow, feel "rushed" and out of control, and generally "frayed" or "spacey".  Decisions are more difficult to make and the smallest thing might irritate you. You might feel depleted, that your energy is scattered.

Grounding connects you to through Earth Mother so that you have awareness of her frequencies.  This is especially important in present time when there are so many chaotic energies on the planet. This allows you discernment and the ability to connect to your unique spiritual energy without getting knocked out of your body and "spaced out."  When the physical is grounded, it is easier to ground yourself to higher vibrations and your Heart Center.  This is also is a healing to the planet as you provide a connection to Source.

Grounding draws your life force energy around you. You have the fullness of your energy to use.

Grounding puts you in touch with where your body is, what it needs in present time.

Grounding enhances opening up to your intuitive abilities and higher wisdom (Divine Mind).

Grounding creates "centeredness" in prayer and meditation as you communicate with your highest essence.

Grounding enhances your ability to move through your day with certainty, joy, and enthusiasm.

The following exercise will help you expand your awareness of when you are grounded.  It guides you on how to consciously establish your connection to Earth.  You may expand upon this technique and use it at any time.  It is strongly recommended that you integrate grounding into every aspect of your daily life.
Grounding ~ The 5 Minute Meditation

Create a quiet and comfortable space for your body.

Settle into your chair with your feet flat on the floor and your hands resting comfortably in your lap and facing skyward.

State your intention that you want to connect to Source energy through your heart center and the center of the planet, creating a circle of Light.

Take three deep cleansing breaths.  

Visualize a connection from your Heart Center directly to Source, then from  the base of your spine through the center of the planet to Source. This can be a ribbon of light, a waterfall, tree roots, a lightning bolt, rings of connected daisies, anything that resonates with you. Let this be your unique connection.

Visualize this connection passing through Source energy and flowing into and from your Heart Center

Breathe deeply and allow yourself to feel this connection and flow of energy.

Allow your tensions, thoughts and distractions to fall away.

Feel yourself settling into your body.

Keep breathing deeply throughout this exercise and allow  the thoughts and images that come up to pass through.

 When you feel centered and peaceful, visualize a Golden Sun of energy above your head.  Allow this warm, golden  light to flood into the top of your head, spreading throughout every cell in your body, filling you with the energy of your highest essence.  Allow this energy to fill the space around your body (your aura).

State your intention to feel your connection to your Heart Center and allow this feeling to expand.

If you have been running on adrenalin, you may experience feeling tired.  If you have been holding on to the energies of others, you may experience a sense of relief.  If you have been lost in negative thoughts and feelings, you may experience a sense of peace, an uplifting of your spirits.  You may experience a tingling sensation.  This is your healing energy beginning to flow. You may feel energized.  Do not judge your reaction.  

Once you have established this connection, know what it feels like and can visualize it, you may use this technique at any time.  When you become ungrounded, take a deep breath and simply ground yourself to your heart center and Source through the center of the planet.

The Three Deep Breaths Meditation is an expansion on simple grounding to the planet and your Heart.  

Always ground yourself before any meditation.

The Flow of Life
Mark Jennings Reese
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Voices of the Heart 2001-2019
