At this time, people all over the world are facing many challenges. A world pandemic, wars and unrest in the Middle East, uncertainty and shifts in the global economy, threats of terrorism and the violent polarization within our own country have fed the fear that threatens to separates us from our global humanity.
Our illusion of security has been shattered. We can no longer feel "safe" behind our walls of separation. While our initial emotional reactions to these events range from despair and anger to resolve and retaliation, we are compelled to embrace our new awareness as an opportunity.
The opportunity is to acknowledge our connectedness. We are a global family. The hunger, poverty, disease, destruction, violence and loss of life affects ALL.
The hearts of many hold visions of a global community working together to create harmony and unity of purpose.
At a time when fear promotes and emphasizes the negative demonstrations and judgment, it is important to see the bigger picture and the purpose that is being served. It is time to focus on the possibilities before us. Our beliefs and where we put our attention create our experience.
We cannot stop seeking peaceful solutions to the problems facing humanity at this time.
We cannot allow fear to motivate our actions. We have the ability to consciously CHOOSE how we feel.
We do not need to take up the banners of judgment ~ no matter what we believe.
This is a time for healing. It is a time to shift our belief systems. This healing begins in the Heart of each.
Find Peace within and you will find your truth and your voice. This will assist all who struggle with the 'either/or' mind set, the anger, hopelessness and apathy. As one heals, all heal.
Take time to nurture yourself, to reflect, to listen to the still, quiet voice within. Call on patience, compassion and trust.
We may not fully understand the bigger picture unfolding or even like the way it is unfolding, but we can FEEL, KNOW AND EXPRESS what is in our hearts.
Find your inner strength and certainty and be guided by your Heart. Send LOVE and Light to ALL across this earth plane. And share your truth with compassion to your family, friends, co-workers and government officials.
Remember, it only takes one candle to light a darkened room.
World Peace and Harmony begin with one person -YOU!
By: Kristin Reese
What does this simple statement really mean? Is it possible that World Peace really does begin with each of us as individuals? Is it really possible that World Peace is not up to our leaders, politicians and those holding the riches of our world? YES! YES! YES!
Within the heart of each of us, lies the dream, the desire to experience Peace, Laughter and Prosperity in our world. Dreams have never been intended to be impossible. Dreams have always been intended to assist us to expand our perception of the possibilities that are all around us…. World Peace is a dream that is alive here and now. World Peace is a dream that is possible here and now. It is up to us as individuals to allow the dream to be expressed, first beginning within our own self.
Peace is not a concept that can be mandated or enforced. Fighting for Peace is self-defeating and is what builds walls between people and nations. To experience Peace is to BE Peace. When we as individuals are expressing Peace within ourselves, there is no desire or need to create conflict in our outer world. The conflicts we experience in our outer world are a mirror of humanity’s collective internal conflict. World Peace cannot be achieved through challenging or finger pointing.
We have the right ~ We have the ability to CHOOSE Peace in every moment! When we choose Peace within our own lives, we become a Ripple of Peace, we become a Voice of Peace, breathing our inspiration into the heart of humanity, gently encouraging reflection and right action.
We ALL want to feel secure. We ALL want to feel accepted. We ALL want to feel loved. No one, nothing can make us feel this way. To feel loved is to love ourselves, unconditionally. To feel accepted is to accept ourselves, unconditionally. To feel secure is to remember who we truly are, to embrace the natural state of our being ~ Unconditional Love, Peace & Harmony…For this is what lives within the hearts of all…
“Then who is to blame for the state of our world?” you may ask yourself. This question leaves the door wide open to judging who or what we feel is at fault for the dysfunctions of our societies. If we are choosing to play this game of blame, we need look no further than the reflection in the mirror. Blame has been proven ineffective time and time again as a means to truly resolve the issues, the conflicts at hand.
God, the Creator or whomever you wish to identify with is not blaming anyone or anything for the ‘state of our world’. Judgment shall leave the door wide open for more of the same…more chaos, more destruction, and more loss of physical life. It is the voice of Mass Consciousness, the collective voice of humanity that continues to choose what and how we will experience our lives, our journey, and our evolution. We are all part of the Voice of Humanity, all part of the Oneness. We are all capable of sending our ripples of peace into the world to effect change, first beginning within ourselves…
Everything is energy. All is either Love or Fear. Love Creates. Fear destroys. It is our choice what we ask our own unlimited energy to express itself as. World Peace will NEVER be achieved by just one person. When we get there it will be together. Where there is fear, there is not love. Where there is love, there is not fear.
It is important that we each take responsibility, using our ability to respond, for our part in the whole of Mass Consciousness. This is how we can effectively assist in the healing of humanity. It is through loving ALL unconditionally, expressing compassion for those struggling in the face if their own fears, and speaking truth from our hearts that our abilities as natural creators flourishes. In present time Humanity is in need of more people to come forward to act and speak of harmonious solutions, to speak of Love, Compassion and Healing. Humanity is in need of many Voices of Peace ~ those speaking of working together, of our equality and the power of our Unity.
And so, it is with Love that I invite you to join me on the journey of expressing and experiencing Peace in our world…I have recently sent a video submission to the Oprah Winfrey Show asking for her assistance to put up billboards on every major highway in our country that say, “WORLD PEACE & HARMONY BEGINS WITH ONE PERSON…YOU!!” This Ripple of Peace is spreading across our planet as you read this article, and now it is touching you….
BE IN JOY!! Remember the responsible creator that you are! Express the Dreams alive in your heart and touch the world with your light!! World Peace & Harmony beings with One…World Peace & Harmony ends with us ALL…
Join us in supporting a dream for world peace!
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