This is a story about a friend and co-creator.
It is also a story of the potential of ALL.
Mark Reese is a simple man, gentle, kind and loving. He is a man of great compassion and clarity. He is a healer and counselor to those around him. He laughs and loves easily.
He creates his life with joy and passion. He is dedicated to his purpose in a quiet, unassuming way. He holds his own truth that he demonstrates with strength and clarity.
In the summer of 1996, Mark experienced an opening of the Heart that has changed his life and lives of many around him. Many had begun to gather for the purpose of healing Earth Mother and exploring the inner stirrings of their hearts.
Mark was gathered with several others for the purpose of facilitating a meditation to heal Earth Mother. He had no conscious awareness of what was to take place. He was surrendered in the moment to the intention of the meditation.
In Spirit, and still on an unconscious level, he had agreed to be the vessel for communication with higher Spirit. On a conscious level, his focused presence allowed Spirit to introduce itself.
In the middle of the meditation, "Eyes of the Sparrow" spoke to the group, "Come inside and sit beside the Fire, the Fire of Creation." And so began another chapter in the journey.
"Eyes of the Sparrow" had walked the earth plane over 200 years a go as a Sioux shaman. At that time, he held the Christed energy. Today, at this time of universal ascension, as mother Earth transforms and births herself, Eyes has returned
to assist with this process. He is here to teach tools for ascension, to guide us to our connection of GOD in our heart,
to integrate LOVE throughout all aspects of our being and to release the fears and blockages held throughout our evolution as Spirit. He is a direct voice of GOD, of the Highest Essence
of each, an emissary to guide all to Harmony within and co-creation with GOD.
Initially, Mark did not believe those who told him of this entity that had come to speak to them. He slowly absorbed the impact of what had occurred. Rather than resist, he embraced this new path before him. From that moment, Mark dedicated himself to being a clear conduit of GOD's Unconditional LOVE and a vessel for communication with other dimensions. Mark embraced that he was a deep trance channel.
At first, many around him were both curious and cynical.
The wisdom that was disseminated took several years to find integration within the group consciousness.
Many layers of fear, judgment and limitation were stimulated, brought to the surface and the vision of a world living in Harmony and LOVE was awakened in the Hearts of all.
At every channeling session, "Eyes of the Sparrow" stated his intention and encouraged all to do the same. His intention was simple and direct and has not changed in all the years of communication we have shared together. It has always been "Eye's" intention "to speak to the Heart so that truth may resonate throughout complete beingness".
As a channel, Mark was guided to other dimensions when he was out of his body. His highest expression of Spirit integrated universal truths; his dedication and trust allowed him to bring this information through the physical. The more he cleared fear, the clearer a channel he became and the clearer the vibration
of the information became. The demonstration reverberated outward, the ripples of his enlightenment cleared an even greater path for GOD's Unconditional LOVE and Wisdom to guide all who sat in his and "Eyes's" presence.
Since that night in a small trailer in the country, Mark has embraced many physical, emotional and spiritual challenges. Throughout this time, Mark has called on his inner knowingness and Trust, always affirming the power of LOVE.
Within months of first opening his heart to channeling, another spontaneous event occurred. Guided by Spirit, Mark produced a tape of basic tools and meditation. The studio was a conference room at a local business. The equipment a hodge podge. The result ~ a testament to the power of GOD's LOVE that requires only allowance, trust, and dedication to take right action from the Heart.
"Darkness To Light ~ Fear To LOVE" , Mark's first CD, has guided 100's into their hearts to connect to their truth and provides simple tools to embrace, release and transmute Darkness held within all aspects of our being and cellular memory. The meditation side of the CD is an ever-expanding journey of healing, of integrating Light ~ of conscious connection to GOD and our Divinity. Many who have shared this journey with Mark have since come to realize that this recording, as all the other recordings that followed, is encoded to speak to the Heart so that individual truth may resonate, allowing each to peel the personal onion of his or her spiritual enfoldment.
Over the next year and half, five other recordings followed,
each encoded with the same truth, wisdom and energy of Unconditional LOVE. Each offers a different perspective on
the Universal Laws and tools.
With the raising of the group consciousness and greater understanding of the individual and collective vision, new
levels of healing emerged.
Sound and vibration, present on all the recordings, took on new meaning. A new series of recordings were created ~ recordings that focused on sound, tone, vibration and rhythm and that connected to Divine Mind and the Oneness.
Synchronistically, by taking a class offered by another member
of the group, Mark opened yet another aspect of his creative spiritual expression! Art. "Pastels from the Heart" inspired him to buy his own creative tools. He played, he created and his tapes and CDs featured his inspirational art on the covers. And so, Mark continued his personal journey of Spiritual expansion. Creative Spirit was consciously embraced and given encouragement to unfold and bring personal joy and fulfillment while providing inspiration and enlightenment to others.
The demonstration of GOD's wisdom and Unconditional LOVE was expressed through the physical with word, sound and art.
Mark Reese is the demonstration of the Joy that is expressed from within and that radiates outward for all to experience. His music, art and meditations stimulate the yearnings, the gifts within that call to be expressed and shared.
Together, "Eyes of the Sparrow" and Mark work to bring the highest and purest intent of the universe into manifestation: LOVE and Harmony.
We are all asked to be channels. We are all asked to channel our own Spiritual energy, the GOD presence within. This is our awakening, our own opening and surrender to our inner knowingness. It takes many forms. As we let go of the fears and old belief systems that have perpetuated these fears, the passion of our dreams and heart's desires can guide us to personal fulfillment and Unity with all.
The journey is and always has been to connect to our Hearts,
to integrate LOVE (Light) throughout our four bodies and to be the demonstration of Unconditional LOVE ~ to Live LOVE in every moment.
We are divine abundant, blissful beings of GOD. We are the hands and feet that have come here to BE, to create Joy, to inspire, and to guide others. We have come to remember who we are.
We are Unconditional LOVE.
My gentle brothers, Mark and "Eyes of the Sparrow" provide the mirror, the demonstration, and the inspiration. The manifestation of their collaboration has provided perspectives and tools for the journey.
There are many mirrors before us. Look and you will see the reflections of your Heart.
Go Within
Imagine a planet where all are working together in harmony to restore Earth Mother to her intended state of being... a garden of diversity and balance where all appreciate her beauty, gratefully receive her gifts, and honor her balance and wisdom.
Imagine governments working together for the betterment of all humanity, sharing to integrate higher information with new possibilities, and opening doors to universal consciousness.
Imagine the Creative Spirit awakened in all. Imagine a planet free of fear and motivated by LOVE, honoring the divinity of ALL.
This is not a dream. This is who we are. Imagine and...
Come Home to your Heart!
Niagara Falls, 1997
In the beginning was NOW. This harmonious vibration created thought and LIGHT was manifest. The LIGHT was Source and was ONE with ALL in Harmony and LOVE. This LOVE was UNCONDITIONAL, honoring all it's parts and its completeness. Universal consciousness, the collective GOD, released the sparks of CREATION. They flew joyfully into time and space to manifest and create. Thought created matter. The experiment was born.
How separate, yet connected, could thought create itself? The journey from Source, from GOD, began.
Yet LIGHT understood itself as it gifted Free Will unto itself. Encoded in every spark was remembrance..the Unity ~ the Oneness ~ the Joy. It also created the plan that, no matter how far from Source it became, there would be that moment of reunion ~ of coming Home ~ bringing with it all that it had learned and even greater LIGHT. It would be a time of rejoicing, a time when ALL of CREATION would expand, when all dimensions would reconnect in conscious celebration of the Creator within. It would be a time when Unconditional LOVE would manifest throughout ALL of CREATION with awareness and intention.
And so Earth Mother was created ~ a garden of Eden, a place of beauty and co-CREATION, a magnificent physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual expression of GOD and LOVE.
Darkness and voids manifest themselves as well, creating the illusion of separation from Source. Many joined the experiment on Earth where Free Will had been granted with unparalleled permission. The LIGHT and the Darkness intermingled, enmeshed themselves, created dichotomies and contrasts. The magnetics shifted. Ego lost its original purpose to protect its partnership with Unconditional LOVE. Fear was born. It became the platform, the initiator...all seemed hopeless, lost. Separation from Source was complete in its illusion. The experiment had been a success and now it was time to go Home, to return to the Fire of Creation.
Encoded in the DNA was remembrance. Forgotten plans to bring ALL into the LIGHT were activated. People began to honor the Earth and its creatures. Governments began their negotiations for Peace. Helping hands reached out to the poor and needy. Religions came together to find common ground. Many acknowledged the Christed energy and the Universal Truths of Love and Harmony, which had been taught by many Masters and held within their separate enclaves. Universal truth and compassion began to emerge.
Synchronicity and seeming coincidence brought many together. Committed to raising the conscious vibration of the Universe and honoring ALL cultures and belief systems, they gathered in prayer, in meditation, in discussion, in play and in LOVE.
And so the journey HOME was brought into the conscious remembrance of ALL. The sparks of CREATION danced joyfully up the spiral to their Hearts and GOD.
Niagara Falls, 1998
by Carolyn Gregory
Darkness pulled me in...

Images swirled.
Reflections of Light passing through...
I reached out, frantic to hold on.
I fought, pushed against the magnet of my own UN doing.
There was no beginning.
Only the spiral of
Darkness and Light
I fell upward, down
deep and deeper..
Enfolded me.
I cried...

into its illumination.
And found

A glimpse of a future path unfolding.
Support and guidance.
Agreement to go through the steps.
Be in the energy of not knowing.
of becoming.
honor the unfolding.
The danger,
expecting clarity,
resisting the confusion,
unaware of the symbiosis,
fearing the synthesis.
Bright green swirls, releasing gray and white.
Three bright lights,
yellow, ice blue and coral red,
intellect, spirit and emotion,
dancing their dance.
To have the patience,
the faith,
the knowingness.
To watch and feel the last beautiful color drop from the trees,
the arctic promise of true winter in the air,
late afternoon walks against the falling temperatures,
the fast darkening evening,
smell the smoke of fires,
the promise of hearth and comfort in the chill of late autumn.
And then the snow,
so gentle and magical at first,
a soft blanket,
covering all in its peaceful deception.
The wind turned strong and gusting,
whirling hard flakes against cheek and pane,
reminders of winter dichotomies.
Going within,
the shielding,
the protection of self hunkering down.
slow and contemplative,
already restless against the enduring chill and long dark days ahead.
A time to be,
to unfold,
to share,
to give,
to be given to,
to create and uncreate,
to plan and shred,
to find the fiber of truth for spring's creation
amidst the ashes and embers of winter fires.
To stretch and push and work against the wind,
nap by the fire,
laugh and plan,
shed bitter tears of release,
Do it all out of order because winter allows idle dreaming,
notes and snippets discarded,
To find that place inside that will not rest,
hold it still,
compel it to stillness,
allow the healing,
the rebirth in its own time.
This is the work of winter.

Night fell softly in the Canyon...the clouds parted, revealing
Grandmother Moon...holding still...her moonbeam light illuminating
sage and sand and rock.
Their Spirits came...the divas, the elementals, the animal kingdom,
Mr. Bear, the tribes, all invited guests...and the Kokopelli danced.
The candles lit, the altar set, the circle formed...and the Kokos danced.
Round and round, the joyful heartbeat of their feet, their music of celebration filling the air, calling the moon, the clouds, the land, the
Spirit of our Unity.
In silence we meditated ...and the Koko's danced.
In JOY we shared the happiness and gathered up our belongings in a gentle rain...and the Kokos danced.
Jemez, New Mexico 2002
All contents on this web site
are copy righted by
Voices of the Heart 2001-2020