Carolyn Gregory...My Journey

With a background in teaching and years in business consulting, I cherish the varied experience I bring to my spiritual work. My travels have taken me throughout the US, Canada and Australia. I now call South Carolina my home base. 

I am grateful for my curiosity and unwillingness to accept one method, one belief, or one modality as the "only" path or answer to my questioning spirit. The result: a fascination with energy, how it affects us and our collective journey. I follow no one "teaching" but come to my service with an eclectic outlook. We are ONE, together on an extraordinary journey to Unity and Harmony. This journey challenges us to embrace the fullness of who we are - from our darker aspects to the Divine Love we are at our core.

For over 20 years, I have worked with individuals and groups, teaching energetic tools and exploring new pathways to greater spiritual understanding. These tools compliment all belief systems and can bring grounding, clarity and a sense of well being to life. They are at the core of my work.

Currently I am drawn to the Divine Feminine the power of Sound Healing as we explore how we can bring more play and openness to our journey. Join me as we uplift and support one another on the path.
                                With LoveCarolyn
Clairvoyant Counseling/Readings
Learn practical tools that can assist you to heal and that empower you to consciously create what you experience in your life.

Understand how energy dynamics affect you.

What is Universal Law and Truth? Expand your understanding of the many practices and philosophies that are available.What serves you on your unique path? 
One-on-one sessions are designed to address personal issues as we explore your specific goals.  

A Few Topics: 
   ~Past Life
   ~Creative Energy
   ~Family Programming
   ~Blessing Card
   ~Energetic Tools
~Female Energy

To schedule a phone or internet appointment,


Engery Dynamics ~ How It Works 

As the vibrational frequencies shift, we are affected mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In this half-day  workshop, you will be introduced to basic meditation tools and given a new perspective on how energy impacts you. You will work with the different aspects of your being – your spiritual, your physical, your mental, your subconscious, your emotional and your ego bodies as you create intentional spiritual practice that supports your path and purpose.

The Basics

  • Meditation Techniques
  • Getting To Know the Different Aspects of your Being
  • Taking Control AND Letting Go
 Classes & Gatherings

Please note: If you would like to gather a few friends, I would be happy to create a Zoom Party with a topic of your choice.
​​This is a wonderful venue for a shorter Zoom Session, extended class or workshop! 

"Conversation,Tools and Tea" ~ "Chaos to Calm" 

Whenever women gather and connect to their Divine Feminine, there is a wonderful permission to just BE.  Here we can:
  • Share our stories
  • Meditate and practice energetic tools to center ourselves and strengthen our spiritual awareness.

     Examples of conversations:
  • The Divine Feminine
  • Celebrating Our Blessings
  • Celebrating our Creative Spirit
  • Questions, Challenges & Opportunities 
  • Resistance
  • The Gentleness of Being
  • Female Creative Energy
  • Intention
  • Grounding, Running Energy
  • The River of Time-Our Collective Journey
  • Meditation & Healing
  • Sound & Vibration                                                                                         "Strength is Gentleness Wrapped in Love"​
Carolyn Gregory


Renewing the Playful Spirit of the Divine Feminine

 August 3 through August 17

Three Monday evenings, 6:30-8 PM EST, August 3,10th & 17th online Zoom sessions (recorded).

These gatherings will be enhanced by:
- Private Facebook Group Page for sharing, posting exercises, daily encouragement and guidance.
- Full Moon & New Moon Rituals
- Weekly Facebook Live Sessions (Recorded)

Our formats include:
- Rituals
- Guided Meditations
- Lecturettes - Small talks as interactive as possible
- Sound Healings
- Activities to stimulate creative expression and PLAY

Our Focus:
Explore ~ Practice ~ Play
- Release Old Programming as we cleanse our Womb Space
- Rebirth Our Inner Voice with Sound and Vibration
- Explore Creative Expression Through Play
- Tap into the Energy of the Goddess Within and Our Unique Female Creative Energy
Imagine ~ Create ~ Manifest

In the midst of Corona, chaos, and temptations for greater separation, we have the ability to make different choices and to create a new reality which starts within. We believe it is time to play, to raise our vibration and find our own unique path and purpose

Visit my Facebook Page,  3 Rays of light or Heartdance to see more about the event and the amazing gifts Pamela Teel Borawski, co-presenter, brings to this divine collaboration. You can sign up there or contact me.

Blessings and Great Love to All. We are Many and We Are ONE..

Individual Counselling/Readings

At this time, all services are offered 
on Zoom or by phone.
FULL MOON TO NEW MOON was a wonderful experience/experiment. ZOOM served us well as did Facebook. We look forward to another adventure. Let me know if you are interested in this format!
​Conversation,Tools & Tea
A Women's Healing Circle

Join us as we create a comforting space to explore, 
heal & expand our awareness.
Fees and Suggested Contributions

  • Counselling Sessions:                                    $ 50

  • Online Class &/ Zoom Party                          $ 20 per person

  • "Conversations, Tools & Tea" 

        Weekly scheduled Zoom: Love donation.
        Energy exchange always acknowledged
        (Custom Party   -   $ 20 per person)

If you have financial concerns, please let me know.