Stay tuned for the adventures of Ellora and Jeremy
as they journey to their Hearts!
Dances of the Heart
This series of stories is designed to reinforce and remind children of their innate connection to God in their heart. It centers around two main characters, Ellora and Jeremy and their daily adventures.
The stories build and reinforce the positive qualities of Love, compassion and innate goodness. The themes acknowledge that all have different aspects of who we are, and that these are an integral part of who we are. Guidelines based in Love and acceptance are provided as well as simple daily tools to help children cope, grow and create a greater understanding of themselves and the world around them.
"The Journey Begins" Ellora and Jeremy meet 'Big Tree' who surprises them and introduces them to their Heart Center.
"Ellora's Dream" After an exciting day with 'Big Tree', Ellora has another exciting experience ~ a dream where she meets a very BIG Bee and the sparkle fairies. Her adventures teach her more about LOVE and its healing power.
"All About Love & My Spirit" Ellora writes a story for her younger brother and introduces the different aspects of Spirit.
These aspects are characters in their own right. Each demonstrates different traits which expand and change as the characters grow in their understanding.
Happy Spirit: our highest, innate self who watches over and guides our other aspects.
Busy Brain: the mental, thinking aspect.
Silly Spirit: the stubborn and often fearful side of us and who can also be our fun loving motivator.
Feelings and emotions are acknowledged as these sub characters
are developed and face daily challenges. Guidelines and "tools" are provided to reinforce feelings of self worth and positive choice.
A few examples:
Heart Love
Kind and happy thoughts.

Feeling Good about YOU!

Feeling good about others.

Heart Love is in Everyone!
Heart Seeds
Heart Seeds are filled with Heart Love.

Heart Seeds are filled with happy

thoughts and good feelings.
Heart Check
Taking time to check in with your Heart Center and

connect to your Heart Love.
As the adventures unfold, we see how we can guide ourselves to positive interactions.
The focus is on accepting each other, ourselves and finding the positive lesson in each experience.
The adventures take place in every day situations such as shopping, playing, school, getting lost, exploring, family interactions, disappointments, achievements, etc.
"A Cranky Saturday" finds Ellora facing a day of unexpected disappointments and challenges.
Topics for different stories will include but not be limited to:

Accepting who we are

Accepting others for who they are

Family issues

Caring for our bodies

Feelings and self worth

Illness, death & loss

Creativity and self-expression


The environment and our planet
"Dances of the Heart" is about learning how to live in Harmony with our environment and each other and how to find positive solutions in all our interactions. It is about seeing our connection to everything. LOVE is always the answer. GOD is in everything and everyone. GOD LOVES ALL. We have the ability to choose how we interact if we listen to our Heart.
It is the intention of Spirit that all who read these stories ~ parents, teachers and children ~ will be inspired to remember the universal principals of HARMONY and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

Tales from iOgOz (eye-oh-go-zee)
Fairy Tales and fantasies...the stuff that dreams are made of. Or perhaps...? "Tales" is a series of stories about the creation of a beautiful and magical planet where LOVE, JOY, PLAY, and HUMOR reside. Creatures and plants create themselves without limitation and are applauded by the "Oneness." Diversity and creativity underlay these fantasies. The language is rich and imaginative. These are stories to read with flare and let the imagination soar.
iOgOz and the Kokopelli
Koko Greets Harapan
Stories about LOVE for Children of all ages
One night I was awakened by the voice of my Granddaughter, Ellora.
"Get up NOW, Grandma. It is time to write those stories."
Awakened enough to recognize a tap on the shoulder by Spirit as well as finding myself bug-eyed awake, I did just that.
The results have been a journey of pure JOY that continues to expand.
I am an avid reader. I love the images that words evoke and admire the power of the written word. I have always loved writing as a vehicle to heal, inspire and entertain. As a teacher, I have delighted in the wonderment and creativity of a child's imagination.
If we all could play in the sandbox again, free from our acquired beliefs, we just might remember the JOY of present time, the excitement for each new adventure, and the freedom to express our dreams without Fear of judgment and limitation.
I offer these stories to assist the children to help us remember who we are and why we are here.
by Carolyn Gregory
All conents on this web site
are copy righted by
Voices of the Heart 2001-2020