Creative Expression and Unconditional Love
There are many who are awakening to the Wisdom and Joy of their Hearts...to the Unconditional Love that they are. There are those who have embraced their purpose to serve humanity...to empower Humanity with Unconditional Love, with Truth, with Wisdom, Compassion and Understanding.
Many are inspired by the images and feelings created by the written word, by music, sound and dance, by pictures and art and by the beauty of nature. Many of these are simple observations of Earth's incredible and diverse beauty. Many have been imprinted to memory from personal interactions and observations of others. And many are the simple daily pleasures of life as we cook, garden, care for our children, play our favorite game and find 'work' that is play.
If there is any criteria to measure creative expression, it is that something deep within is stimulated bringing clarity, questioning, laughter, tears, peace and, ultimately, to a sense of a 'connectedness' with all. Creative Expression is spirit expressing Unconditional Love.
The first and primary goal is always to LOVE and nurture yourself, to create JOY and to experience more LOVE. In other words....to be guided by your Heart.
If you hold in you heart a vision of our Earth and Humanity living in Harmony and Love, you have embraced vision that sees many coming forward to discover, express and experience their dreams.
Publications, Books, Art & Music
A series of stories that include tools for children as they expand their perspective on how to deal with themselves and the world around them. They are based on the adventures of two friends, Ellora and Jeremy.
Inspirational fantasies about a beautiful planet and how it creates itself.
The Vision...
...to inspire individuals to live, express and experience their lives from within their hearts.
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Voices of the Heart 2001-2019
World Peace Begins Within...
live peace...be peace!
"Spirals of Color"
Mark Jennings Reese
There are basic tools and techniques that can assist us in shifting our thinking, getting in touch with our own inner truth as we navigate our daily lives.