In the physical, deep breathing decreases our heart rate and enhances the circulation of nourishment to all parts of your body.
When the Heart stops, the physical stops.
Breathing centers, focuses, calms, and grounds the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of your being.
Breathing releases tensions, distractions, anxiety and fear. Breathing helps the physical body heal and perform its functions with greater ease.
The physical heart is a mirror to your "Spiritual Heart".
Your Spiritual Heart is your source for ALL.
The Heart and the Breath are One.
Breath fuels the Heart. The Heart sends out its LOVE to all aspects of your being.
Breathing clears a path and strengthens your conscious connection to your Heart.
Breath symbolizes our life force energy. Breathing is an automatic function in our physical bodies. It provides oxygen to the physical body. It also has great spiritual significance.
Intentional Breathing
~ brings you into present time.
~ prepares you for meditation.
~ enhances spiritual integration.
~ creates physical wellness.
As issues and challenges arise, breathing allows you to let go in the moment and reclaim your center of being. When centered, you can remember intention, call on, and receive spiritual guidance.
In preparation for meditation, breathing clears the mental mind, bringing focus to your Spiritual Intention.
My breath and my Heart are one.
They nurture my body and Spirit.
Breath normally. Notice where your breath goes - to your chest,to your diaphragm, or deep into your belly?
Breath more deeply.
Allow yourself to naturally expand each breath.
Pause on the in-breath, and then exhale.
Concentrate on taking your breath deep into your belly. This may take time. Many do not breath deeply, even in stressful situations. One of the benefits of aerobic exercise is that it forces us to breath deeply into our bellies.
Set aside time each day to practice expanding your breathing.
Notice how this makes you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally.
When you feel comfortable with breathing deeply into your belly, focus on guiding the breath in different sequences:
1.Fill your belly first, then your diaphragm, then your chest.
2.Reverse the process. Fill your chest first, then your diaphragm,
then your belly.
gain, notice how your feel, which is easier, how this affects you
physically, mentally and emotionally.
The Cleansing Breath
Here you add intention to your breathing. You control the flow and the release of the breath.
~ Tell your body and spirit what you would like to release as you breath.
~ Breath deeply, filling your abdomen.
~ Take this breath down to the base of your spine (your first chakra).
~ Hold the in-breath for a second.
~ Exhale slowly, gently pushing out the last remaining air.
~ Breathe normally for a few breaths.
~ Repeat the sequence three times.
Three Deep Breaths
Here you intensify the physical and spiritual affect of your breathing.
~ Breathe deeply filling your abdomen first.
~ Hold the breath as long as possible.
~ Push out with great intensity. Add a sound to your exhale if it helps.
~ Breath normally for one breath.
~ Repeat the process, taking a second deep breath, hold it,
and exhale with intensity.
~ Breath normally for one breath.
~ Take the third deep breath, repeating the process.
Three Deep Breaths Meditation
This technique is very powerful. It connects and balances your physical and spiritual aspects. It is centering, calming and uplifting.
Create a quiet space. Enhance this space with music, a candle, a scent if you desire.
To each breath, you will add a specific intention.
Remember to hold each breath as long as possible, then release with great intensity.
The First Breath
~ Connect to the core, the center of Earth Mother.
~ Honor her divinity: her abundance, her beauty and her willingness
to be a clear conduit for GOD's Unconditional LOVE.
~ Honor that you are the reflection of this Earth.
The Second Breath
~ Connect to GOD in your Heart.
~ Acknowledge that GOD is Unconditional LOVE.
~ Receive the fullness of this LOVE:
the Strength
the Wisdom
the Compassion
the Warmth and Tenderness
~ Acknowledge that you are Unconditional LOVE.
The Third Breath
~ Connect to your highest essence (your direct connection to GOD).
~ Invite and acknowledge the presence of your highest essence
in your Heart.
Take time to breath normally between each breath and acknowledge these truths silently to yourself.
~ The first breath grounds you to the physical and spiritual connection to Earth and her healing energies.
~ The second breath decreases your heart rate and awakens the presence of GOD within.
~ The third opens your crown chakra (top of your head) to your
Divine Wisdom.
Notice the effects of this breathing technique. Pay attention to ALL aspects of your being ~ the physical, the emotional, the mental and the spiritual.